Home » Women of CSU: Dr. Ruth Haycock

Women of CSU: Dr. Ruth Haycock

Published March 17, 2017

Godly women have played a crucial role in shaping the message and mission of Clarks Summit University throughout its 85 years of biblical higher education. From the founding ladies in Johnson City to current students, the women of CSU have created and followed a legacy of biblical womanhood and Christian servitude.

Ruth HaycockAmong these influential women is Dr. Ruth Haycock.

Haycock learned and served at Clarks Summit University from the early days in Johnson City, New York until the latter part of the ’70s. Graduating from BBS in the ’30s and serving as both professor of Christian Education and as the chairman of the Christian Education Department, Haycock was dedicated to biblically saturated Christian education.

Haycock believed passionately in biblical education and made significant strides in the field. Her work includes a series of textbooks teaching every subject found in the classroom through the scope of biblical truth. These text books are still used in Christian schools today.

Within these textbooks, Haycock’s passion is evident. In the author’s note, she writes how Christian schools must have two basic “prerequisites” for educating biblically. “First, the Bible must be thoroughly taught at each grade level as the inerrant Word of God, whether it deals with evangelism or economics. Second, Christian aspects of a subject must be included as part of that academic discipline, not relegated to Bible class alone.”

Among the countless students that Dr. Haycock inspired is Mrs. Sallie (McElwain) Lemponen (class of ’70). Lemponen counts Haycock among the greatest influencers of her life. Haycock taught Lemponen countless things throughout her life until Haycock passed away in ’85 at the age of 73.

From Haycock, Lemponen learned that, “nothing is truth that is contrary to or apart from God’s Word. All truth is found in the Bible…I still refer her publications when showing children how the Bible has the ultimate truth in all areas of education.” In addition, she said, “Dr. Haycock was immaculate in her dress and public appearance. She taught us that a crooked pin or a twisted necklace will detract from the lesson we are teaching.”

Haycock’s influence has carried on through her students, her students’ students and the current Education programs offered at CSU.

By Communications-Writing major Jessica Eddy

Discover more about CSU’s Education programs:

Early Childhood Education

Secondary Teacher Education-English

Secondary Teacher Education-Math

Secondary Teacher Education-Social Studies

Music Education K–12

Health and Physical Education K–12

Master of Education

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