July 1, 2024
Since 1932, CSU has prepared Christ-centered, career-ready graduates. Committed to biblical truth, the university was founded during the Great Depression and has weathered many challenges as God provided in remarkable ways. The Board of Trustees and employees have worked to overcome the most recent challenges and have exhausted every viable solution to bridge a significant financial gap. Despite all efforts, the financial gap remains.
Due to these financial circumstances, Clarks Summit University’s Board of Trustees has made the difficult and painful decision to begin the process of closure. Clarks Summit University, including Baptist Bible Seminary, is unable to offer classes starting in the fall of 2024.
CSU is committed to helping students navigate this decision as they seek to smoothly transition to another university to continue their education. A teach-out plan is available. For students presently enrolled in summer session courses, courses will continue until completion.
Despite this saddening news, the biblical principles CSU was founded on remain true and firm. Alumni, students and friends of CSU—anchor your hope in our Savior, not in circumstances. Remember and act on the words of the college hymn, which are based on Titus 1:9, “Holding fast the faithful Word as he has been taught…” (NKJV). Neither God nor His Word will fail.
Pray for one another. Love one another as the body of Christ. Support one another as you have done so well as members of this amazing community. Don’t confuse this circumstance with a lack of love or lack of presence of God. He remains faithful. Our hope is that everyone in the CSU family finds peace, guidance and strength in His love as you trust Him.
Please review questions and answers below.
Teach-Out Plan
Transcripts & Catalogs
Contact Us
Helpful Answers
How do I get my transcripts?
Please request your transcript from CSU through this link: https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/32152/institution. CSU will be able to provide transcripts through an undetermined date. Thereafter, Liberty University will hold all CSU academic records. At that time, you will be able to obtain your transcripts through Liberty after the date to be determined.
Is the Recreation Center closed?
Yes. All campus operations will cease; the Recreation Center is closed.
What is my next step to choose another school to attend this fall?
We encourage you to consider other colleges and universities that hold the same values and beliefs as CSU. Liberty University and Cairn University are both partnering with us as teach-out locations. Both Liberty and Cairn are offering a simplified admissions process for both our established students and applicants.
You will want to make sure to have your FAFSA results sent as soon as possible to whichever school(s) you choose. While you wait for those to be sent, you should complete the application process for the school(s) and have official copies of your transcripts sent to the school(s) you apply to. Please visit that school’s website to familiarize yourself with their application process, and speak with an admissions counselor from that school to see if that school can meet your needs both academically and financially.
Does the teach-out plan apply to me?
The teach-out plan applies to active students who have already started their courses at CSU. It does not apply to those who planned to start in the fall of 2024 or beyond. However, we encourage all established and incoming students to seriously consider our teach-out partners for your future: Cairn University and Liberty University. Both Liberty and Cairn are offering a simplified admissions process for our established students and applicants.
Will incoming students' enrollment deposits be refunded?
As property and assets are sold and proceeds become available, they will be distributed to creditors like you in the legally prescribed order. If sufficient funds are available, your claim will be paid in full.
What is the teach-out plan?
The teach-out plan is an agreement between CSU and Cairn University and between CSU and Liberty University. Those schools will accept all credits earned at CSU (with some conditions), so the student can continue in their original timeline towards the pursuit of the degree they started. These agreements make the transfer process more streamlined for the student and in most cases, give the student the best way forward for completing their degree. Read the teach-out plans here.
What support can I access from CSU for the process of transferring to another school?
Advisers will still be available to assist students through July 12. We encourage you to set up an appointment with your CSU advisor as soon as possible to seek their help and wisdom. The Registrar’s Office will remain open for 90 days to help facilitate the transfer process. Students may take advantage of the teach-out transfer agreement with Cairn University and Liberty University.
When will I get entered into the NCAA Transfer Portal?
Student-athletes will be entered into the NCAA Transfer Portal within two weeks of closure.
Will I be able to finish my degree?
You will not be able to finish your degree at CSU. However, our teach-out agreement with Cairn and Liberty provides reasonable options to help you complete your degree on time.
How do I obtain a closed school discharge?
Current students and students who recently withdrew from CSU can find more information here: https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/closed-school
What will happen to my student visa?
A designated school official will help you transfer to another school, so your visa will not lapse. Begin your search for a new school immediately. Both Liberty University and Cairn University have equivalent programs to CSU and are approved for students with student visas.
Please check this page frequently as answers will continue to be added as they are available.