Scripture’s Story
“Scripture’s Story: A Unifying Hope” is a new book that explores the unity and diversity of the Bible.
About the Book
“Scripture’s Story: A Unifying Hope” is a new book that explores the unity and diversity of the Bible, written by some familiar faces at Clarks Summit University! The four authors are professors at Baptist Bible Seminary. The book traces the unifying hope of God’s story throughout the Old Testament and New Testament.

Filling a Void
“Scripture’s Story” was recently published, the result of years of hard work and study. It fulfills a unique void in theological resources. Jared August, Ph.D., is one of the authors. He says, “Our goal was to put together a resource that provides a summary of each book of the Bible, yet simultaneously weaves the overarching hope of the Bible together. Although there are several books that deal with one of these topics (uniqueness vs. unity), our vision was to articulate the amazing unity amidst the diversity.”
Dr. Mark McGinniss, assistant seminary dean and author, recalls an initial conversation at BBS where he and the other authors realized the need for such a book. “Several years ago in a lively discussion at Baptist Bible Seminary, we concluded that there was a definite need for a single-volume resource that examines each section of Scripture on its own terms, yet simultaneously links the individual biblical books together as one narrative storyline that encompasses our Bible…From that first conversation, this thematic narrative was born.”
Another author, Dr. Wayne Slusser, seminary dean, adds, “I think it provides the reader with a grammatical, historical look at all of Scripture with a concluding theological stance that is dispensational and premillennial.”
Perhaps the most unique aspect of “Scripture’s Story” is the collaboration that exists with the authors. Each one of the four authors brought their area of expertise to the chapter that they wrote. Slusser says, “Working together was a lot of many, fun conversations between us…We sat around the table, discussed various components of the book in the hallway of BBS and bounced ideas off of one another for several months while writing the book.” He adds, “I think we would all say that writing this book assisted in our own learning and growing of our understanding of God’s Word.”
Part of the collaboration process was dividing Scripture into sections, where each man was assigned a chapter to write based on his area of expertise (see chapter titles below). Finally, it was edited by August for a smooth and consistent voice. During this project, August was able to write alongside his former seminary professors. He says, “This was a true and unexpected blessing! It was an honor to work with these men of God who had taught and mentored me.”
“Scripture’s Story: A Unified Hope” tells God’s story, says Slusser. “There is a unifying hope to all of Scripture; a threefold expectation of fulfillment—that is—God will destroy evil, restore creation and dwell with His people.” He adds, “We wanted to offer the reader, whether it be a layperson, pastor or college or seminary student, a big picture of what God communicates through His word in various time periods to various people groups.”
Podcast featuring the authors
Dr. Wayne Slusser and Dr. Jared August provide a helpful overview of the book and reveal the impetus for writing on this important topic. Dr. Jim Lytle, CSU president, and Paul Golden, executive director of alumni and development, interview these two authors and BBS professors.
BBS faculty members join forces to offer new resource
Slusser is dean of Baptist Bible Seminary. He also teaches Greek and New Testament courses. Slusser says that the unity of God’s Word is what motivated him and others to write this book. “We wanted to examine each section of Scripture and tell the reader what it says and how it links and synthesizes with other parts of Scripture.”
August is a five-time graduate of Clarks Summit University and Baptist Bible Seminary—from his Associate of Arts in 2013 to his Ph.D. with a concentration in New Testament and Greek in 2018. August is an associate professor of New Testament and Greek at Northeastern Baptist College in Bennington, Vermont, and an adjunct professor at BBS. When sharing about the message of “Scripture’s Story,” he says, “The Bible is the story of God’s work to destroy evil, restore creation and dwell with his people forever. We believe that this expectation undergirds each book of the Old and New Testaments.”
Dr. Kenneth Gardoski, BBS professor of Systematic Theology and director of doctoral programs, and McGinniss also authored the book.
McGinniss says, in the book, “We propose that the central hope of all Scripture is that through the promised Offspring, God will eventually destroy evil, restore creation and dwell with his people forever. It is this central expectation that unites all the biblical books and the faith of all believers throughout the ages.”

Dr. Wayne Slusser
Dean of Baptist Bible Seminary

Dr. Ken Gardoski
Professor, Director of Doctoral Programs

Dr. Mark McGinniss
Assistant Seminary Dean, Editor of JMAT

Dr. Jared August
Five-time Alumnus, Adjunct Professor
Book Discussion
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Chapters and Content
Preface and Introduction – Dr. Jared August
Chapter 1: “The Pentateuch: Introducing Hope” – Dr. Jared August
Chapter 2: “The Writings: Anticipated Hope” – Dr. Mark McGinniss
Chapter 3: “The Prophets: Reconfirmed Hope” – Dr. Mark McGinniss
Chapter 4: “The Gospels & Acts: Arrival of Hope” – Dr. Ken Gardoski
Chapter 5: “The Letters: Coming Hope” – Dr. Wayne Slusser
Epilogue – Dr. Mark McGinniss
Get Your Copy
“Scripture’s Story: A Unified Hope” can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Northeastern Baptist Press.