Home » December Internship Report – Ryan and Nicole Myhre (Ryleah and Alayna)

December Internship Report – Ryan and Nicole Myhre (Ryleah and Alayna)

Published December 9, 2016

Southside Baptist Church, Sebring, Florida


Ministry Highlights

Shared gospel with 4th grader at Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). After about a half-hour conversation of questions and answers, he accepted the Christ as his Savior! I’m continually amazed how the Lord continues to bless this ministry as well as encourage my passion to reach kids with the gospel of Christ. I’m thankful for the many volunteers and the countless hours that accompany each club with prayer and preparation

Interacted with a father that drops off his kids at AWANA on every Wednesday, and I happened to know that he was a painter. Since we needed our foyer painted, I asked him for his opinion on what we should do. Not only did he give us his discount at the local Home Depot, but he also volunteered to spearhead the whole painting event on Saturday morning with equipment and knowledge. It was great to connect with him and to be able to spend some time to get to know him and his story as we served together. In addition, he brought his entire family to church and our Thanksgiving meal the next week. Continuing to pray for further opportunities.

Our youth group had a great time as we had a “Fall Party,” which included a full Thanksgiving dinner and hayride at one of our youth leader’s house. Although the trailer didn’t have any hay, we made up for it by continuing to say “Hey” making it a pseudo hey-ride. With a special time of fellowship together and a biblical challenge on spending our time wisely (Eph 5:15), the night was a great success with a large percentage of our youth group attending, along with three new guests.

I was able to serve in the kitchen for our “Forever Friends” Thanksgiving Meal. This outreach event was for the older generation to invite friends to come, enjoy a meal and listen to the high school choir perform. Pastor gave a quick devotional and all left full and satisfied. This event taught me about the number of people that dedicate large amounts of time and use their gifts for the work of the ministry that often goes unnoticed by a majority of people. Thankful for the servant hearts of our local assembly, as they desire and model servant leadership for the glory of God.

Key Prayer Requests

Praying for a young man in his twenties as he adjusts to his new home in Sebring. He recently began working and dealing with “life” issues.

Looking to start a Fellowship of Christian Athletes Bible study at the local high school either during lunch or before school. I’m part of a group of youth leaders who hand out five dozen doughnuts and Starbucks coffee before class on every Friday. It’s a great way to connect and to mingle with students as we look for opportunities to invest in their lives as well as share the hope of Christ. Praying for continued open doors and fruit!

I’m leading our youth group through an interactive study on evangelism. Praying that the Lord will use this group of teens to be the influencers rather than the influenced, the bold instead of the fearful, and provide them with the courage to not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ.

Continuing to pray that the Lord would bring the right family to purchase our home back in Fargo, North Dakota.

We are praying for our young adult ministry as I’m beginning to lead our small group to be disciples and disciplers. We are reading through the NT together and desire to build fellowship, teaching, prayer, ministry, multiplication and accountability by reading and sharing the life together. Our prayer is that this isn’t just a program or class, but rather a lifestyle that is modeled after the life of Christ where we all are growing spiritually.

Prominent Lessons

I need to continue to pray for wisdom, discernment and grace to communicate well with those who typically want to find fault or complain.

I had the opportunity to preach the Word four times this month, which was a blessing but also a led to a realization of the amount of time and prayer one must dedicate each week to prepare one’s heart and mind to properly communicate God’s Word. In the midst of all the other responsibilities, seeing God’s faithfulness was encouraging.

We recently moved into a new rental house as we wait for our house to sell in Fargo. While I sometimes find it hard to ask for help, the Lord blessed us with a loving church family that dedicated a Saturday morning to help us unload our truck. It is amazing to see the body of Christ show love to one another (specifically us). It is a reminder of the impact the gift of time and love have in the lives of those we minister or hope to minister to.

Key Goals for the Next Month

We are beginning to implement some aspects of our assimilation plan. We are continuing to pray for discernment and guidance as we lead through changes to tradition and getting people to catch the vision.

Finishing my last official class at BBS, The Exposition of Ephesians, well.

Planning and preparing for a Men’s Simulcast in February. Praying for wisdom in leading and equipping others to do the work of the ministry. We are praying to launch a men’s ministry from this event.

Praying for direction and discipleship in our young adult class as we look to equip, encourage, and train in the biblical command of discipleship through Bible reading, leading, fellowship, teaching, ministry and prayer. I’m excited to see how the Lord builds and uses this part of His Body.

Planning a Christmas outreach event with the youth group to go caroling and bring the message of Christ to some area nursing homes and retirement villages.


Ministry Highlights

Our youth event with hayride, games and Thanksgiving dinner was a highlight of the month. Thankful for our youth leaders and youth that attended.

The opportunity to pray for the members of our church and to get to know them. As needs arise I’ve found that I’m better prepared to pray specifically and also thankful that I can rejoice in their praises as well.

Leading the CARE Ministry for shut-ins and for our members in nursing homes has been a blessing as we are able to go and minister together as a family.

A friend from work has been consistently coming to church on Sunday nights as well as bringing one of her neighbors to join her.

Seeing our young adult class begin to draw closer together. We’ve done a couple of social events with various members of the group and continue to pray for the Lord to bless and grow this ministry.

Key Prayer Requests

I’m praising the Lord for giving me the ability to study and pass the required Critical Care Exam on the first attempt! I had asked for prayer last month as a number of other nurses had expressed how difficult it was and that many do not pass on their first attempt. To God be the glory.

Wisdom for decisions on selling our home—getting it ready to sell with a new agent and agency.

Continued wisdom for patient care at the hospital as my responsibilities and areas of care increase.

For God to continue to build His church and bring in new people and young families.

For our family to “shine” in this community for Jesus.

Continuing to pray for our two daughters as they get busier and more involved in activities, that their focus remains on Christ.

Prominent Lessons

I joined the church choir and I have discovered that I enjoy it more than I thought. It is a commitment to make the practices, but it is so worth the opportunity to worship through song, fellowship and be part of the Christmas Cantata to be a blessing to the congregation and guests. While I was hesitant to join, the Lord has blessed me through this ministry.

Time away is beneficial! We were extremely thankful to have an unexpected extended weekend over Thanksgiving. We took the opportunity to drive up to Orlando as a family to stay at a resort and have some simple family time. With such a frantic pace since last spring, we found this time away together to be a gift to be greatly thankful for.

Key Goals

To continue to make visits to our home-bound members. This ministry has been such a joy!

Working at the hospital that is faith based, I have the unique opportunity to not only visit members who may be at the hospital, but also have the ability and access to pray for them before procedures as well. I desire to use my position as a RN to be blessing to those who are hurting and in need.

To continue to prioritize my time with the Lord, my family, my position at the hospital and my ministry at Southside.

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