Home » December Internship Report – Alexander Noriega

December Internship Report – Alexander Noriega

Published December 9, 2016

Northmoreland Baptist Church, Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania

Ministry Highlights

Our pastor took a trip to Brazil for two weeks, and in that time Kimpi and I were leading the worship services and taking care of administrative stuff. It’s not as easy as it looks! I was finding that I had missed this thing or that thing, and I was seeing just how much our pastor does each Sunday and each Wednesday. He really is a hardworking and faithful man, and I’m glad to have him as my pastor and coach.

I was able to see the church leadership come together and work at an issue within our church. Without going into details, it was very encouraging to see the care and concern from my pastor, deacons and trustees over the issue, and how they worked together to resolve it. It’s a blessing to be able to see a church working at unity and peace all through love.

Key Prayer Requests

With January soon approaching, please keep Centershot (our archery ministry) in your prayers! We will be having another training day in December to hopefully boost up our staff numbers. We still need to hammer down some of the logistics, so please pray for wisdom and discernment for the decisions to be made before January 12.

Our sound system has been giving us fits for most of November. Please pray that we can pinpoint the issue and restore our recordings to their previous states.

There is a family in our church, and their kids have just had a tough month health wise. They are getting sick often, and it’s been really difficult for the parents for many reasons. That, and truck issues have been keeping them from more services than they want. So please pray for the health of the family, as well as financial provisions for vehicles.

Prominent Lessons

Plans can easily change! As I was home for Thanksgiving break, my truck needed to be seriously repaired. I’m glad that I was able to make it home and not break down on the highway, and I am also glad that I had savings to cover the bulk of my costs (as well as parents willing to chip in as well). God took the time to really remind me that everything that I have is in His hands, and He really blessed me with providing financially and providing me safety on the road.

I need to better observe and plan for days where I need to “lead” a service. While nothing major was forgotten during the time our pastor was traveling, I found that I had glanced over some things that needed to be done, and that just added unneeded stress. It will come with practice and experience, but it won’t hurt to at least write down the things I know I need to do!

Key Goals for the Next Month

Identify and plan out my upcoming Sunday school lessons for February.

The backlog of pastor’s morning sermons got stalled, so I need to revisit that and look to finishing the backlog.

The Welcome Team got pushed back due to all sorts of stuff. It is going to be reassessed.

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