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Monthly Dinners Develop Career Readiness

Published May 30, 2018 in News

As part of Clarks Summit University’s commitment to producing Christ-centered, career-ready graduates, our Career Center offered three hands-on workshops this past semester. These student employment dinners covered three vital aspects of job searching in one’s career field: informational interviews, resumes and networking.

Informational Interviews

In February, student employees learned all about informational interviews with CSU trustee and life coach, Grace Dyson. Informational interviews provide the beginner, in this case the student, an opportunity to learn about their industry of interest from an insider. Students felt the practice session was most beneficial. This fun and interactive session had one student act as an industry expert while several other students asked the informational interview questions in a tag-team fashion.

Resume Development

Jeremy Yeckley, CSU’s director of Career Services, provided insight for resume development during dinner in March. Faith Judson, a sophomore Business Administration major found great value in this session. She is already putting the information to use as she applies for summer jobs and looks forward to her future career choices. Her takeaway was the importance of a resume that reflects the job you are seeking. “You should tweak your resume for each job application so that your resume fits the job description and requirements of the specific position you are applying for.”

Identifying your Warm Network

April’s dinner discussed the value of networking, knowing who is in your network and utilizing the resources that are right in front of you. Julairis Smith, a sophomore Counseling major, used this opportunity to identify her warm network. “I actually have a lot of resources around me that I am not taking advantage of.” Once students identify their warm network, they can reach out for further information on job availability and tips in improving skills. Students were encouraged to use the Career Center on campus as a part of networking.

For more about the resources the Career Center offers to students and alumni, please contact Jeremy Yeckley.

Discover more about CSU’s on-campus learning and career preparation.

Julie Wilson (’96, ’18) is a Communications-Writing major from Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania.

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