Home » November Internship Report – Matthew Tucker

November Internship Report – Matthew Tucker

Published November 6, 2017

Matt Tucker

Cherrydale Baptist Church, Arlington, Virginia


Ministry Highlights

I went to visit Richard, the man with the intellectual disability, at his group-home, and it was an encouragement. It was one of the nicer places I have seen for this sort of thing. He had a good-sized room, dining room/kitchen, and many movies and a video game system, and it is in a convenient area in a large old home. I met two of the ladies that work at the home and we also went out for food to speak with one another. I have, at least in the past, tended to want to give people with disabilities the world, and to quickly agree to things, more out of obligation/compulsion, and because I feel sorry for them. I have realized I have had growth in this area, and my Oversight Pastor is helping me with this, to go at a more even-pace, and to help Richard step-by-step. We are going to have him in a Bible study and morning service, and in the next round of our membership/orientation classes before we move forward with other involvement. This will allow the Pastors to see him and try to get a feel for how to best serve/meet his needs and what social setting would be best for him.

We had our refugee outreach day! We had a couple refugee families, many Cherrydalers, and we took a charter bus down to an apple orchard and farm. I had multiple opportunities leading up to meeting with everyone to exercise faith. We weren’t sure how many refugees we would end up with, and I wasn’t sure if we would have enough money for them! I prayed, however, and this morning as I prayed and read the daily Scripture on Bible Gateway, I was filled with peace, that everything would be okay. Turns out we had multiple refugees and plenty of money! It also helped multiple people, including myself, realize that it’s not necessarily about the numbers (if at all). It’s about being a light and hopefully influencing someone – perhaps even one person – towards faith in Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the two refugee families and one man from Iraq, and I believe they saw and received much love today, and some friendships that will hopefully continue moving forward.

I had two opportunities in the same week to preach (which kept me busy leading up to it!). On a Sunday I preached a message on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 to the high school youth group. We did a get-to-know-each-other prior that helped “break the ice” and led nicely into the sermon, using examples from my own life and testimony. The kids filled out evaluation forms, and gave me great positive and constructive feedback. I also preached on spiritual warfare out of Ephesians 6 to the middle school and high school students on a Wednesday night. Multiple points seemed to resonate with them where they are at in their lives, though I also received some hard, but helpful feedback from adult leaders!

Key Prayer Requests

That God will allow me in His grace to have more speaking opportunities and that I will improve in my sermon-planning and delivery.

That my immediate and extended family will be saved.

That my sister will make wise choices and my niece will have a great dad one day.

For God’s direction in my life for this year and after this year!

That Cherrydale will reach out successfully to the community and gain more believers in Christ!

Prominent Lessons

I often put self-imposed limits on myself. Sometimes this is knowingly and sometimes unknowingly! For instance, I have assumed that I work better around people and noise (such as cafes) because that is what I am used to, and I have been told that my personality and wiring does better with this. While there is much truth to this, when I forced myself on Monday to stay in the office longer than normal without grabbing a drink or snack, and without playing music, I found that I can focus well, and to focus longer than I thought, even in a quiet office alone! I could be very productive!

I met with my worship Pastor to share some ideas I had for worship ministry. I don’t think he was interested in any of them but one! But the way he handled it really spoke to me and helped teach me how to handle his position when I find myself in a similar situation one day: he listened patiently and actively, he asked questions, and then towards the end said, “I think the one I’m really interested in is…” and that’s what he focused on. Great way to handle it!

I am so thankful to be at Cherrydale in this season. They have said that I have an opportunity to witness something some people may never see in their time in ministry (let alone internship!). The Senior Pastor has decided that he believes God is calling him to Pastor another five years. He desires a smooth transition, and to allow the “young bucks” as he calls it to come up in the ministry. Thus, he and the Elders have put together a transition plan, one that is still in the works. But for now, he will serve as Senior Pastor for at least another two years, at which point he will transition to a different role as Pastor Emeritus/consulting, etc., and a “Lead Pastor” will step in, thus also “flattening” somewhat the leadership structure a bit more. Another three years after that our Senior Pastor will transition out completely. I have had the pleasure and honor of witnessing some of the major discussions and planning relating to this during the Elder meetings (for which I also have the pleasure and honor of taking the minutes!). It is fantastic to see the prayer, the patience, waiting, and time, as well as the intentionality and planning that has gone into this. Our Senior Pastor also sent a letter to the congregation through our weekly newsletter – I questioned this inside myself, but he made a good point that if he announced it before the sermon, no one would hear the rest of the sermon, and if he said it after the sermon, they would forget the sermon they just heard! Cherrydale is modeling multiple things for me that, through the acting out and living out, they model, even without the specific words! I praise God for this place!

I learned the importance of letting other people help me, and how this can be a blessing in at least two ways. I tend to want to be in control, and independent, and I also don’t like to ask or accept help from others, particularly if it’s something I view as my responsibility, or when I want to sinfully hold on to pride that I did it and bitterness that others didn’t! I was encouraged this week by one or two of our leaders to make sure my co-intern helps with our responsibilities in planning and purchasing food for our Elder’s retreat tomorrow. The fact that my co-intern is busy with seminary and that I needed to go shopping anyway for our weekly Elder’s meeting only added to the temptation to do this myself. I decided to heed their desires and advice and make sure my co-intern and I both went. I told myself it would be a good opportunity for fellowship with us too. And it was! I was blessed in at least two ways: I had his help, which mentally and emotionally took a burden (and negativity) off of me, and I enjoyed my time with him. When we got back to the church we stayed in my car for quite a while sharing with each other and I was able to get encouragement and advice from him about the church and the young adults he works with (he grew up in the church, whereas I am new!). The same thing happened after our Elder’s meeting. The head of the Elder council offered to help me with clean-up, and I tried to deter him, but he insisted. Not only did the clean-up happen more quickly and I was happier, but after we spoke with one another and prayed for one another. May I be more open to God ministering to me and helping me, and the blessings and opportunities this provides!

Key Goals for the Next Month

To stay strong in the Lord and the power of His might!

To complete both projects and the next preaching well, in the eyes of God and that it will bless others.

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