Home » November Internship Report – Luke and Rachael Johnston (Micah and Titus)

November Internship Report – Luke and Rachael Johnston (Micah and Titus)

Published November 6, 2017

Involve Church, Nampa, Idaho


Ministry Highlights

I was able to take a trip down to Los Angeles for a church planter’s conference called Exponential. I was able to go with Pastor Ryan, another guy from our church interested in church planting, and Josh Carpenter. I was challenged to continue to refine discipleship at our church and work on our leadership development. It was extremely encouraging.

My wife and I were encouraged by a visit from one of my BBS professors, Dr. Pyne, and his wife. We were able to show them a bit of our area and talk through ministry. It was fun and we look forward to seeing them again in May for graduation.

We had a leadership retreat at the end of October. This year’s theme: “Pray. Lead. Multiply.” It was refreshing and encouraging to walk through discipleship methods and upcoming leadership changes with our existing leaders. We also spent quality time praying together.

Key Prayer Requests

Pray that, with the coming of November, we would “kick off” the holiday season well.  Its going to be busy and there is a lot to do.

We have seen some growth in our church recently. Pastor Ryan and I are very busy and some changes will need to be made in a fairly quick manner to be able to keep up with the growth. Pray we will have wisdom and discernment on how to lead our church through growth and change.

We have about 8 people in Starting Point. I think at least 6 of them are unbelievers. Please pray that God would move in their hearts and lives as they learn about the Foundation of the Christian faith.

Prominent Lessons

I learned that taking lay leaders to a ministry conference with you can be encouraging for them and a good opportunity to build relationships.

It is important to walk through philosophy of ministry with leaders to make sure everyone is on the same page. How this is done is important. Rather than telling a group of leaders what to think, it is better to start with the biblical principles and flow into a time of discussion, critical thinking, and prayer. This seems to produce a higher likelihood of consensus.

I also learned that, in God’s eyes, the process is as important as the end result. God uses many things to refine people and we need to respect that process, patiently approaching Him and expressing our dependence on Him for everything.

Key Goals for the Next Month

Plan and carry out a prayer service.

Plan and carry out a thanksgiving service.

Begin praying over possible candidates for additional leaders as our leadership structure changes moving into the next calendar year.

Plan out our Christmas services.

Prepare for January Acts course being offered at our church.


Ministry Highlights

Our leadership retreat went well. I think that the time of discussion was productive, but the fellowship was also wonderful.

We had a newcomers lunch after church last Sunday. There were several new families who stayed and ate with us. It was nice to have time to talk with a few people who I have seen a few times, but hadn’t had a chance to connect with.

Key Prayer Requests

This last month, we had several new families attend Involve. Pray that we are able to connect with them well and add them to our church family.

With the holidays coming up, we have several special events planned. Pray that they go well and we have a chance to share the gospel with other people here in Nampa.

Prominent Lessons

During our leadership retreat, we had some time for the wives to pray together. It was a very nice time to hear what was on the hearts of a few of our ladies. One in particular has been struggling this last year with the loss of her father and brother, but this was the first time she opened up and shared with us about that. It was good to pray with her and know how to continue praying for her. This was a good reminder for me of the importance of these retreats. Sunday mornings and even other times like life groups are often not enough time for people to feel comfortable enough to share their hearts with others.

Key Goals for the Next Month

We have a few community service projects this month as well as a special Thanksgiving Pie and Coffee night. My goal is to be as helpful as possible with these things both in the planning and at the events.

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