Published October 2, 2019 in Summit Magazine

Take 10 seconds—look on the opposite page at the list of majors we offer here at CSU. Ok, now that you’re back, what did you notice? That we have more than 40 options for undergraduate students? That we offer both online and on-campus degrees? Great. You’re right.

Now ask yourself, “How is this list of majors different than what I might read within other college magazines?” If myriad colleges offer similar degrees, all proclaiming solid academic content and excellent professors, what makes CSU different? What does a student get at our university that makes a CSU education a more valuable choice?

Don’t go back over to that degree list to get the answer to my question. Just look at one little line you may have missed at first glance. “All students also earn a Biblical Studies major.” It’s a small note, but it carries big impact.

Yes, each and every CSU student graduates with a double major. Our undergrads earn a major in Biblical Studies as they also work toward the career-driven major of their choice.

We have always done it that way, but that is not why we keep doing it. It’s strategic for our vision of preparing students who are Christ-centered and Career-ready. We intertwine a robust career preparation major and a full major in Biblical Studies because integrating the two creates a powerful, mature, well-prepared graduate.

Imagine the two majors as parallel rails that support a train. On one rail, as in every college, students gain skills and learn best practices in a chosen field. They become qualified for a job that can build into a career. On the other rail, at the same time, CSU students study Bible, theology and biblical principles that prepare them to live for Christ in that career. A student needs a great deal more than three or four Bible overview classes in a Christian environment to understand and integrate God’s truth in their career. They need to understand the Word. They need both rails. That’s the uniqueness of a CSU degree, and we know how to do it well.

This philosophy of whole-life preparation spills over into every aspect of the CSU experience. Student janitorial jobs become intentional discipleship opportunities. Residence hall life brings built-in mentorship. Soccer fields become mission fields, and student leadership takes the focus from self to service.

And when that day comes that our life plans don’t play out the way we expected them to, CSU grads are ready for what’s next. You will find some examples within the pages of this issue. With CSU’s double major, graduates are not only ready for the workforce; they’re ready for life—wherever God leads them.

By Dr. Jim Lytle (’77, ’81, ’84)

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