Values and Doctrinal Statement

Values and Doctrinal Statement

Mission, Values, Goals and Beliefs

Clarks Summit University Mission

Founded in 1932 in Johnson City, New York, Clarks Summit University is an educational institution that embraces its Baptist heritage. With a commitment to biblical authority, Clarks Summit University serves undergraduate, graduate and seminary students by preparing them for lives of significant service for the cause of Jesus Christ in a variety of ministries and careers.

As a learning community dedicated to biblical higher education, Clarks Summit University strengthens the church of God and influences society by cultivating an environment that promotes academic excellence and Christlikeness. Students are challenged to pursue biblical truth and wisdom, to embrace a Christian worldview and to develop professional competence and relational skills.

Clarks Summit University aspires to be a community of individuals who love and serve God with all their heart, soul and mind, and who love their neighbor as themselves. We launch our graduates into the world as servants of God and as lifelong learners.

Baptist Bible Seminary Mission

Baptist Bible Seminary exists to equip men and women for ministry in Christ’s church and His world. Students will acquire biblical and theological understanding, commit themselves to Christ-like character, and develop skills for ministry. A focus of the Seminary is on the equipping of men for pastoral ministry, including preparation for ordination. In addition, we see the role of women as integral and valuable to the growth of the church and desire to train women for this role.

The Confession of Faith and Values of the Seminary provide a doctrinal and practical framework within which the mission of the Seminary is used to reflect the spiritual commitments the school seeks to foster.


Biblical Truth We value the Scriptures as truth, the highest authority for faith and practice, the center of true learning and the basis of our worldview.
Transformational Learning We value the development of biblically based critical thinking, building wisdom that transforms worldview, character, behavior, relationships and ministry in conformity to Christ.
Spiritual Integration We value the development of the whole person: the integration of faith and practice, mind and heart and learning and service.
Global Orientation We value obedience to the Great Commission; therefore, we seek to serve Christ in a myriad of ways and locations.
Cultural Relevance We value living wisely within the culture that surrounds us, establishing a redemptive presence and speaking the truth in love wherever God sends us.
Christian Leadership We value the development of leadership skills as the natural outcome of transformational learning, so we may assist others in achieving their God-given potential.
Baptist Heritage We value the local church, the pillar and foundation of truth, along with the rich spiritual legacy of our Baptist distinctives and history.
Pursuit of Excellence We value continuous assessment that leads to God-honoring improvement, innovation and creative development.
Responsible Stewardship We value the wise investment and management of the resources God has entrusted to us, maximizing the benefit to those we serve.

Institutional Goals

Clarks Summit University and Baptist Bible Seminary provides a biblically-based learning environment that guides students to:

  • intellectual discipline characterized by the integration of truth and wisdom
  • spiritual maturity marked by Christlikeness
  • professional and relational skills demonstrated by competent service to strengthen the church and influence society. 

Beliefs | Doctrinal Statement

We believe in the verbal and plenary inspiration of the text of the original manuscripts of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, which alone constitute the inerrant Word of God. We believe the Bible supports using a grammatical, historical method of interpretation in light of the progress of revelation. Thus, we believe that the Bible is the clear, sufficient and supreme authority for all belief, life, and ministry.

We believe in the trinity of the Godhead: one immutable and omnipotent God, omniscient in all things past, present, and future, who eternally exists in three equal Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity, virgin birth, perfect humanity, sinless life, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only means of salvation from sin and the sole mediator between God and man.

We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, through whose ministry believers today are regenerated, baptized into Christ and His body, indwelt, sealed, gifted and empowered for service.

We believe that gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to build up the body of Christ. We believe that the sign gifts of the Spirit were given only for the apostolic era, providing revelation and authenticating the ministry of the apostles.

We believe that God created the universe (including mankind) in six literal, consecutive 24-hour days apart from the process of evolution and that Adam and Eve were historical persons. We believe that mankind was created in the image of God and retains that image after the fall. All humans, from the time of their conception, including those who are physically or mentally challenged, have value as image-bearers. Therefore, we affirm the dignity of human life and oppose the use of abortion or euthanasia to end life. We affirm that all people are worth pursuing for the cause of Christ. Based on the model of God’s creative design, we believe that marriage joins one man and one woman and is the only relationship in which sexual intimacy should be expressed.

We believe that all human beings are totally depraved and guilty before God as a result of the fall of Adam. We commit acts of sin because we are sinners by nature.

We believe that the Triune God saves sinners by grace alone through faith in Christ alone. God secures their eternal salvation, having sovereignly elected them to be willing recipients of His grace in Christ, whose blood was shed for the remission of sins.

We believe that salvation is demonstrated through good works that are part of a holy life. We believe that every Christian has the joyous responsibility of evangelizing sinners in obedience to Christ’s Great Commission.

We believe that the universal Church is the body of Christ, comprised of all true believers from Pentecost until the Rapture. Jesus Christ is the sole head of the Church.

We believe that the local church is an assembly of immersed believers, led by pastors and served by deacons, independent and congregationally governed, in fellowship with other churches of like faith and order.

We believe that the local church is responsible to fulfill the Great Commission. It must observe the ordinances of believers’ baptism and the Lord’s Supper; foster true fellowship, prayer, and worship; edify and equip believers; and evangelize the world.

We believe that the only biblical mode of baptism is immersion; that baptism is for believers only; that it is a testimony of their identity by faith with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection; and that it is a prerequisite for local church membership.

We believe that the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper is solely a memorial of Christ’s death, and that the body and blood of Christ are not present in the bread and cup.

We believe in the priesthood of all believers and that we have direct access to God apart from any mediator except Christ. We respect the God-given capacity of individual soul liberty through which each person will give account for living by the dictates of his own conscience.

We believe in the separation of church and state, and that believers must fulfill biblical responsibilities to each.

We believe that the Bible directs us to a life of holiness, requiring separation from worldliness and ecclesiastical apostasy unto God.

We believe in the personal existence of angels as created spirit beings. God’s holy angels are ministering spirits. Satan and other fallen angels can influence believers, but believers cannot be demon possessed.

We believe in the pre-tribulational rapture and bodily resurrection of the Church at Christ’s imminent coming. Believers will give account for their works at the Judgment Seat of Christ, which will follow the Rapture.

We believe in the distinction between the nation of Israel and the Church, the Spirit-baptized Body of Christ. The Church is not the collection of all believers of all times.

We believe that God will fulfill the biblical covenants made with the nation of Israel. Though they are now dispersed among the nations, they will be re-gathered in the land of Israel and saved as a nation at the premillennial coming of Christ to the earth. At that time, Christ will begin his Davidic rule over the world for 1,000 years and continue to reign in the eternal state.

We believe in the bodily resurrection and judgment of unbelievers after the millennial reign of Christ. We believe in the eternal existence and punishment of all unbelievers in the lake of fire and the eternal existence and blessedness of all believers in the new heavens and earth.




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