Published September 11, 2017

Carpenter FamilyHarvest New Beginnings, Oswego, Illinois and Sunrise Bible Fellowship, Red Bluff, California


Ministry Highlights

One highlight I have experienced this month has been my cohesion with the diverse staff at Harvest. I have had many bonding experiences with the staff here, particularly the Worship Pastor, Rollie. We spoke much truth from God’s Word into each other’s life as well as fellowship.

Another specific highlight for this month has been in leading new believer, or young believer Bible studies. My larger group of about 10 would like to split off eventually into smaller groups so that they can multiply.

An unplanned highlight of this last month has been to see God take people who did not know each other three months ago and watch them team work in ministry together. God has moved in hearts to see Christians at Harvest New Beginnings train and equip people to join God where he is working.

Another ministry highlight has been in the area of visitation. Before I came to my internship at Harvest, I was very afraid to go out and share my faith with new people. Now that Pr. Mickey has trained me to do this kind of evangelism, I feel more confident in the Lord to do this and to teach others to do the same.

Key Prayer Requests

Join us in thanking God for our time here in Oswego. We are so thankful to the Lord and his Church, namely the local body of Harvest New Beginnings for investing so diligently in us.

Pray for transition back to California in the middle of September, namely that we will be engaged in fruitful ministry quickly and efficiently.

Praise God that my wife has virtually no more morning sickness. She feels much better and is about 21 weeks along.

Pray for travel mercies as we drive from Illinois to California.

Prominent Lessons

One significant lesson that I have learned is that it is important to keep good communication with your intern coach. They are there to help us thrive in our relationship with God and with others. They want to know what is on our hearts and minds.

Another significant lesson that I learned is that it’s important to build strong relationships. We need each other in the body of Christ to lift each other up and support each other. You can be tempted to be an Island even though you have many around you.

I learned that corporate prayer with your family is essential to family unity and when things get hard you can fall back on them as a support system.

I learned that it is important to glean the wisdom of those older than me in ministry.

Key Goals for the Next Month

I have set a goal of completing all my resource reading on counseling and make specific plans as to my availability for counseling as well as training others to do the same.

I have set a goal to touch bases with those in the church as well as some neighbors around us. The goal in this is evangelism and discipleship.

I have set a goal to plan on making contact with those who wish to be a part of the counseling, and evangelism/discipleship programs as well as those interested in outreach.

I have set a goal to be competent to do “cold call” visitation on those who live around Sunrise with a plan in hand 3 weeks after I return for implementation.


Ministry Highlights

I have loved getting to help paint the choir room at the church with one of the pastor’s wives and other volunteers. It’s been a refreshing time of fellowship as well as an experience where I felt I was able to personally help the church.

Being a part of the visitation team that goes out each week to meet and answer questions of the people that visited church Sunday. It has stretched my faith and comfort zone!

Having a pastor’s wives get together this last weekend. It was a time of sharing, praying and laughing with the other pastor’s wives in the church. I count that as one of the best mornings of this month! These women are wonderful!

Key Prayer Requests

I’ve had a cough for about a month. Nothing too bad, just annoying. I would like it to resolve on its own so I don’t have to go in to the doctor.

Also, prayer for our trip home to CA in Sept. Road tripping with 2 kids and a pregnant belly isn’t the most fun!

Prominent Lessons

I’ve just continued to be taught by the other women in this church. They are so supportive of their husbands, are involved where they can be and have joyful spirits. I want to be like them!

Key Goals for the Next Month

Be an encouragement to those back in CA when we return in a few weeks.

Continue to encourage my husband and pray with him daily.

Keep reading godly books that help me in my walk with Jesus.

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