Published September 11, 2017

Chadbourn FamilyRural Home Missionary Association, Morton, Illinois 


Ministry Highlights

It was a definite highlight to see God work through a church that was undergoing some conflict. As I worked with the leaders where the conflict was centered I found teachable hearts and love for the Lord. The church has not allowed the conflict to sour anyone, but they have a desire to learn and grow through this time. Satan has not been allowed to gain a foothold and I rejoice greatly in that. You hear horror stories of conflicts tearing a church apart. I hope, pray, and believe that this church will weather the storm and emerge stronger for having gone through it.

Doing the Applied Bible Analysis was of great benefit. In pastoral ministry I had preached many times and had developed my own routine. The ABA assignment forced me to prepare in a more intentional focused way that I found very helpful. I believe that God will use this in my future preaching endeavors.

I was able to work with a pastor who was undergoing a very intense, difficult situation in his church. He wasn’t part of the problem, but he had to work closely with those who were. It was a blessing for me to be an outside voice in that situation and bring a perspective that encouraged him. If our situations had been reversed he could have easily done it for me. Yet, I was privileged to support him through these times.

Key Prayer Requests

Working in a support position to various pastors, I am never quite sure what problems I’ll be facing week in and week out. Please pray for adaptability, and that God would keep me prepared daily for the areas I can minister in.

Please pray for my family. We have 3 kids who are starting in a new school this year. God has been very good to our family, yet the change has been a struggle at times.

Please pray for my time-management. I will be preparing for a lot for my teaching and preaching responsibilities

Prominent Lessons

Hudson Taylor said that, “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” This month I (and my organization) have been stretched as we have not yet seen the fulfillment of “God’s supply.” Yet, we know that God is faithful and his mercies are new every morning. Just because I do not see God’s provision doesn’t mean that it is not coming, or that he isn’t providing for the need in another way. Our Lord is always faithful.

I have learned that flexibility in ministry is important. In giving a gospel presentation to about 35 kids things did not go quite as planned. Yet, the gospel was still preached and God’s Word is quick and powerful. If I am weak (because of unexpected difficulties) the power of the gospel is never mitigated. That is wonderful encouragement to remember as I continue to serve him.

Being in ministry is a wonderful privilege. We get to have a front row seat to view God at work in people’s lives. Taking joy in God’s activity can effectively stave off arrogance and depression in ministry.

Key Goals for the Next Month

Be prepared for leading my Sunday School class starting in October.

Think proactively to help steer our organization rather than merely react to day-to-day problems.

Trust God as he stretches me in new ministry opportunities.


Ministry Highlights

I am becoming more involved with our RHMA Small Town Pastor’s Conference ministry on the women’s side of the conference. This feeds well into my spiritual gifts.

As a couple, we are seeing more consistency in our opportunities to minister after a move and change in ministries this last year.

I have been asked to speak at a ladies’ event, which is something I’ve loved doing in the past; and Jonathan is enjoying preparing a class in church history, which is a strength for him.

Key Prayer Requests

Pray for our busy schedule. My husband is not only doing an internship, but is also working full-time within RHMA (Rural Home Missionary Association). This involves lots of travel as well.

Pray for our family as our children get used to a new school system and our lives continue to adjust after our move. Pray that Jonathan and I will show faith in our God and confidence in His will during this time of transition.

Pray for both Jonathan and myself as we prepare our speaking and writing. Pray that we will be led by the Holy Spirit and not our own thoughts and desires.

Prominent Lessons

In our former ministry, I was busy…very busy. Maybe too busy at times. But it was wonderful to use the gift God gave so freely. After our move, with my husband’s encouragement and conviction from the Holy Spirit, I chose to be very cautious and slow in deciding which ministries to be involved in (and when to be involved). It was a waiting period, and for an A-type personality, it was a time of growth in my patience. God was good as He always is, and comforted my heart during this time. He continued to confirm that this time of waiting was to be a time of personal growth and trust in Him. I prayed consistently, asking Him to show me when and where I should serve Him. Then, after 7 months and within two weeks, He brought the time of waiting to a close. Many different ministries began to open and He gave wisdom as to which ministries to choose. It is a beautiful time to look back at as I can clearly see blessing in listening to my husband’s advice, following the Holy Spirit, and obeying God’s command to wait.

Key Goals for the Next Month

Continue to pursue writing goals.

Finish my personal study in 1, 2, 3 John.

Schedule more encouragement meetings with Christian women at our local coffee shop.

Continue teaching “how to pray” to my children each evening.

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